From Our Collection

From Our Collection
Poster:Melbourne Jazz Club"If you suffer from such odius complements as Athlete's Head; Rolling Splinges; Fred's Galloping Grunj; Aunt Hagar's Twitch; Smoker's Navel, or the Steaming Gloob you need a thundering dose of MELBOURNE JAZZ CLUBin therapeutic doses of three an one half hoursAvailable only from St.Silas' Hall, opposite the Albert Park Railway Station; and it sells at the Phenomenally Low Price of just one shilling and five pence halfpenny per half hour Neddyit's every Friday night"#poster #melbournejazzclub #suffer #odius #complements #therapeutic #doses #stsilashall #albertparkrailwaystation #albertpark #melbourne #jazz #australianjazz #australianjazzmuseum

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