1. Trouble Logging In:
In order for you to login to the site please use the following:
- Click on the My account option from the menu options.
- On the next screen select Password Reset and then enter your email address (this one). An email will be sent giving you your access details.
- Login using the My account option from the menu and select Member Login.
- Once successfully logged in you can now click on the menu option on the right end, My Account where you can change your password, etc.
2. Your Free CD with Membership
Each year the AJM creates a special Members’ Compilation CD which will be forwarded to you upon payment of the Membership renewal.
3. Trouble Using Our Database:
Some user are experiencing difficulties using our new database. Try changing settings in your internet browser to allow pop-ups.
4. Help Using Our Database:
Feel free to contact us for any further assistance.